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2023 Staff Picks | Michaela Wilson

Michaela Wilson, Deputy Director


A book cover titled "SLEWFOOT" with an illustration of a person riding a broomstick, with a full moon in the background.

Slewfoot: a Tale of Bewitchery by Brom

This is 100% a woman’s revenge story and I’m here for it! This dark folklore story follows Abitha, who is fighting for the little freedom she has when she meets Slewfoot, a powerful spirit that has recently awoken. When people start dying the rumors start: there’s a witch and women are being hung. And both Abitha and Slewfoot must decide who they want to be in this historical horror novel.


A book cover with the title "Red Rising" by Pierce Brown, featuring a red winged design on a black background.

Red Rising Series by Pierce Brown

After 3 years of waiting we finally got book six in this epic science fiction space opera. In preperation for the new release, I went back and re-read the whole series and it was still as perfect as I remember. The first book, Red Rising, takes place on Mars, in the future. The main character, Darrow is a Red, the lowest caste of people. From the mines of Mars we watch Darrow discover the truth and become a part of a rebellion to right their overlords wrongs. And you’re with him all the way. Dystopian, science fiction, epic war fantasy, this book has it all and it’s amazing.

Book cover: "Stolen Tongues" by Felix Blackwell with snowy mountain landscape, a cabin, a figure, and the title written in red on snow.


Stolen Tongues by Felix Blackwell

I love the horror genre and this book is one of the only ones I’ve read that has genuinely unnerved me, especially because it takes place in rural Colorado (very similar to where I live). This book has “something is watching you from the woods” vibes to create a eerie and tense atomosphere when a romantic getaway goes wrong. There are voices in the woods: animals screaming, crying children and a figure whispering to the one character through the window at night. It’s not long before her fiancée realizes she’s not talking in her sleep…she’s whispering back. I highly recommend if you’re looking for a good scare!


DVD cover for "Poker Face Season One" featuring a woman with sunglasses holding a playing card reflection in her glasses.

TV: Poker Face

This show is so fun and quirky! I recommend it if you need something light and funny, but also keeps you wondering what happened. The episodes are set up that you watch the murder/crime and then get to follow our main character, Charlie, around to figure out what happened. And she might just have some extra intuition.